PubNub integrations

PubNub operates channels and users within channels. It also allows gathering chats into channel groups.

Suppgram integration presumes there is a single channel group all support channels belong to. All messages from support agents will be authored by a single PubNub user. All messages written to these channels by users other than the support user are considered messages from customers and will be forwarded to agents.

To configure PubNub, you will need to specify a number of environment variables and flags:

export PUBNUB_PUBLISH_KEY="publish_key"
export PUBNUB_SUBSCRIBE_KEY="subscribe_key"
export PUBNUB_SECRET_KEY="secret_key"
python -m suppgram.cli.all_in_one \
    --pubnub-user-id "support_user_id" \
    --pubnub-channel-group "support_channel_group" \

Secret key is optional; if not specified, it is your responsibility to ensure that support user has all necessary permissions to read and write to channels.

Since there is no strict structure of messages within PubNub, but rather they are arbitrary JSONs, you might need to implement a custom encoder/decoder for them:


Converts messages from project-specific JSON to Message dataclass and vice-versa.


Name Description

convert from project-specific JSON received from PubNub


convert to project-specific JSON to be sent to PubNub

Default implementation is suppgram.frontends.pubnub.DefaultMessageConverter. It may be used with sandbox credentials to test how it works. To override it, use --pubnub-message-converter flag:

python -m suppgram.cli.all_in_one \
  --pubnub-message-converter mymodule.MyConverter \

For testing purposes you can also use suppgram.cli.pubnub_customer_client tool, accepting basically the same list of environment variables and command line arguments:

$ python -m suppgram.cli.pubnub_customer_client --help
Usage: python -m suppgram.cli.pubnub_customer_client [OPTIONS]

  --pubnub-user-id TEXT           PubNub user ID [default: random UUID]
  --pubnub-channel TEXT           PubNub channel for communication with
                                  support [default: UUID-support]
  --pubnub-channel-group TEXT     PubNub channel group to add channel to
                                  [default: support]
  --pubnub-message-converter TEXT
                                  Class converting messages between PubNub
                                  JSONs and suppgram Message objects
                                  [default: suppgram.frontends.pubnub.DefaultM
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Note that user ID here is not support user ID as before, but rather customer user ID. It can be omitted; then it will be generated randomly. It will probably not work without secret key though, since now we'll have to get some permissions dynamically.